
Thursday, December 19, 2019

54th Colombo Scout Camporee - 2019

54th Colombo Scout Camporee - 2019 (54වන කොළඹ බාලදක්ෂ කැම්පෝරිය - 2019) 54 ஆவது கொழும்பு கெம்போறி கடந்த மாதம் Theam - "Forward Together" "එක්ව ඉදිරියට" 2019 December 19 to 23 at Ratmalana Hindu College premises 

Sri Lanka Scout Association Colombo District Branch organises Colombo District Scout Camporee. The 54th Colombo Scout Camporee organised annually by the Colombo district branch of the Sri Lanka Scout Association will be held from 2019 December 19 to 23 at Ratmalana Hindu College premises and Kandawala, Maha Vidyalaya premises.

“Forward Together” is the theme of the camporee and around 2500 boy scouts and girl guides including Singithi scouts and cub scouts representing about 60 schools in Colombo are expected to set up camps at this Scout Camporee organised by a committee headed by the Assistant District Scout Commissioner, Geeth Ramesh. Various programmes aimed at aiding physical growth, intelligence and emotional, spiritual, social and cultural development of scouts and girl guides will be organised and 25 activities including camp bonfires, cultural events, concerts, obstacle walks, sport events, educational fairs and practical activities are expected to be implemented. 

Scouts will be engaged with setting up camps and camp equipment including dining table, bag counter, shoe rack and plate rack from December 19 afternoon. The opening ceremony will be held in the evening of December 20. The camporee will be monitored on a daily basis and scout teams maintaining high standards will be awarded victory flags. The concert unveiling the talents of scouts will be held on December 19 at 7 p.m. and Cub Scouts’ Day will be on December 21 throughout the day. Christmas carol concert of cub scouts is one of the special events scheduled for that day. Camp bonfire will be held with the participation of parents at night on the same day. The special programme by Singithi scouts is scheduled to be held on December 22, and on the same day the last rally of the camporee will be held in the evening.

CBL Samaposha inspires scouts to inculcate healthy breakfast habits CBL Samaposha, in working towards empowering a future led by young leaders upholding good morals and understanding the importance of advocating a healthy breakfast, offered the young scouts at the 54th Colombo District Scout Annual Camporee, the opportunity to truly understand and appreciate the importance of cultivating good values in their lives. This has been in line with the healthy breakfast movement initiated by Samaposha which has grown in momentum and reach in the past one and a half years, advocating the message on the importance of a nutritious start to the day.

The five-day camporee took place at Hindu College grounds, Ratmalana and overlooked 2,500 scouts participating from over 45 schools in Colombo along with 2,000 cub scouts ranging from ages seven to ten, and for the first time ever, over 750 singithi scouts, ranging from ages five to seven attending the 54th annual camporee. CBL Food Cluster able to support an event of this nature by imparting a positive and thought-provoking message on the importance of a balanced and healthy breakfast to a forum of both young and old. A message that holds true value which can be proudly carried on to society.” The eager teams along with their troops cheering from the side lines were true breakfast heroes as they displayed teamwork, strong morals in supporting each other. 10 teams were selected for the best dishes and the first, second and third place was awarded to Al-Hidaya National, Wesley College and St. Andrews College, in that order. Each team member was also awarded with a certificate for their participation and contribution to the challenge.

These young leaders of tomorrow then united together after the competition to pledge in carrying forth the message of the importance of healthy values to their peers along with the value of a healthy breakfast to their families and society. 

The camporee ended on a high note in which scout and parent alike took away the sincere appreciation in understanding how a healthy breakfast would support a child’s physical development whilst healthy values help form tomorrow’s leaders. 


කොළඹ දිසා බාලදක්ෂ සංගමය මඟින් වාර්ෂිකව සංවිධානය කරනු ලබන දිසා කැම්පෝරිය මෙවරත් 54 වැනි වරට දෙසැම්බර් මස 19 සිට 23 වැනිදා දක්වා රත්මලාන හින්දු විදුහල් පරිශ්‍රයේදී හා කඳවල මහා විදුහල් පරිශ්‍රයේදී පැවැත්වේ.

54 ஆவது கொழும்பு கெம்போறி கடந்த மாதம் 19ஆம் திகதி தொடக்கம் 23ஆம் திகதி வரை இரத்மலான இந்துக் கல்லூரியில் நடைபெற்றது. இதற்கு கொழும்பைச் சேர்ந்த 55 க்கும் மேற்பட்ட பாடசாலைகள் பங்கு கொண்டன. இந்த சாரண பாசறைக்கு 31ஆவது கொழும்பு சாரணர் குழு முதற் தடவையாக பங்கு பற்றியிருந்தது. 

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