
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Global Centenary Celebration of World Guiding (1910-2010)

In 2010, ten million members of the Girl Guides Movement celebrated 100 years of World Guiding.
It was a group of girls who first planted the idea of Girl Guiding in the mind of the founder, Lord Robert Baden-Powell, more than 100 years ago, in 1909, when they demanded a place for girls at the Crystal Palace Boy Scout Rally. These girls were, in fact, the very first advocates for the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts – speaking out and challenging the norms and gender conventions of the time. The Guide Movement formally began in the UK in 1910. Since then Girl Guiding has been planted in the lives of millions of girls and young women. 

The Guiding 2010 Centenary consisted of celebrations around the world in which Girl Guides and Girl Scouts celebrated 100 years of the world Guide and Scout movement. It took place over three years, 2010-2012, reflecting the founding dates of many World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts member organisations. April 10, 2010 marked the Global Centenary Celebration Day. There were three Centenary Celebration Days. On 10 April each year, celebrations were held around the world under a unifying theme. The theme for 2010 was plant. The theme for 2011 was grow, and the theme for 2012 was share.

This was the 100th day of the 100th year and Girl Guides around the world held centenary celebrations to commemorate this unique day. In Sri Lanka, 100 Girl Guides came together at Girl Guide Headquarters in Colombo to celebrate the centenary with a very special birthday cake, and the launching of a time capsule.

Happy Camping at the Centenary Friendship Circle …

The Centenary Friendship Circle is one of the many activities that have been organized by the Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association (SLGGA) to commemorate the centenary of World Guiding. The Centenary Friendship Circle will take place between the 22nd and 27th of April 2010 in Nainamadama. One hundred participants from Malaysia, UK, and Sri Lanka will come together to discuss, in a fun-filled atmosphere, certain key aspects of Guiding and camping, as they plan out the future of the Movement and work towards 2020. The participants will consist of both Girl Guides and Girl Guide Leaders, and will present Girl Guides with a unique opportunity to get involved in decision making that will have an impact on the Guide programmes over the next decade.

Celebrating 100 years with Sri Lanka Girl Guides

'The Journey of a hundred friends,' saw more than a hundred girl guides of the Sri Lanka Girl Guide Association (SLGGA) travel from Hambantota to Jaffna by train and then bus in celebration of 100 years of World Guiding. The Guides and Senior Guides who took part in the event were from a mix of races and religions and from all parts of the country.
While the event helped build and cement bonds of friendship between the Guides, it also provided these ‘Friends’ with the opportunity to assist the Disaster Management Committee of the SLGGA set up a fully equipped library for the J/Ampan American Mission Tamil Mixed School at Kudaththana, which was not rebuilt after the tsunami of 2004.
Last month almost 150 Guides left for Jaffna from Hambantota via Galle and Colombo by train and completed the latter part of the journey along the A9 by bus. On arriving at the Harriet Winslow Girls’ Home, Panditerruppu, which was to be the “base camp”, the girls were greeted by a typical Tamil welcome, with garlands of flowers and red tilakas on the foreheads.
The Guides divided themselves into teams, one team was assigned to paint murals on the school walls with the theme- girls worldwide say “Friendship Leads to Peace and Development”. The second team tidied classrooms, while the third team planted crotons. A fourth team set to work on the 14th Nana Piyasa Library; sorting books. The SLGGA reported that “it was very hard work, but with the support of the girls and boys of the school, the work was completed by evening.” Transport to the school was provided by the Sri Lankan Army.
The library was ceremonially opened by Addl. Provincial Director of Education and the Chief Commissioner in the presence of the principal, staff, school children and their parents, as well as the Guides and village dignitaries.
During the ceremony the Addl. Provincial Director of Education thanked the Association for its gesture and according to the SLGGA, the Chief Commissioner said that the best way to maintain the links between the school and the sponsors of the Library would be to start a Guide Company in the School; the Principal readily agreed to release a staff member to be trained as an adult leader.
The Guides spent the rest of the day visiting temples and kovils, and were invited for lunch by the Nagapooshan Amman Hindu Kovil authorities. “When they boarded Train No. 4085 from Vavuniya at 3.30 a.m. for home, it was not the end of the Journey – it was a beginning”, claimed the SLGGA. “The friendships that were formed and the memories of time spent with girls of different religions and cultures will no doubt have a lasting effect on them.”

achieves article from 
Sunday September 19, 2010

Sunday September 19, 2010
Sunday September 19, 2010

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