
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Ceylon Girl Guide Association Act (No. 12 of 1965)

Girl Guide Association, Ceylon (Incorporation)


Whereas an association called and known as the Girl Guides Association, Ceylon, has heretofore been established in Ceylon for the purpose of organizing and training Girl Guides in Ceylon:

And whereas it is expedient that the said Association should be incorporated:

Be it enacted by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and the House of Representatives of Ceylon in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: –
Short title.
1. This Act may be cited as the Girl Guides Association, Ceylon, (Incorporation) Act, No. 12 of 1965.
2. The persons who, on the date of commencement of this Act, are members of the Girl Guides Association, Ceylon, (hereinafter referred to as ” the Association “) and such other persons as are hereafter enrolled as members of the Association shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal and the name ” The Ceylon Girl Guides Association “. Such corporation is hereinafter referred to as ” the Corporation “.
Corporation may sue or be sued.
3. The Corporation may sue and be sued by the name ” The Ceylon Girl Guides Association “.
Objects of the Corporation.
4. The objects of the Corporation shall be, to foster among girls a love of the country and a sense of citizenship, to give them an opportunity for self-training in the development of character and service for others, to inculcate in them discipline, loyalty and thought-fulness for others, to encourage goodwill and understanding by establishing friendly contacts with girls of other nations, and in general, to train and develop the character of girls in accordance with the principles laid down by the late Lord Baden Powell.
General Council.
5. There shall be a General Council of the Corporation called ” The General Council of the Ceylon Girl Guides Association”, constituted in accordance with the Articles of the Association appearing in the Constitution of the Association. Such Articles are hereinafter referred to as ” the Articles of the Association “, and such Council is hereinafter referred to as ” the General Council”.
Executive Committee.
6. There shall be an Executive Committee of the Corporation called “The Executive Committee of the Ceylon Girl Guides Association”, constituted in accordance with the Articles of the Association. Such Committee is hereinafter referred to as ” the Executive Committee “.
7. There shall be a Secretary of the Corporation (hereinafter referred to as ” the Secretary”) who shall be appointed by the Executive Committee in accordance with the Articles of the Association.
The first General Council, Executive Committee and Secretary.
8. The General Council, the Executive Committee and the Secretary of the Association, holding office on the date of commencement of this Act, shall be the first General Council, Executive Committee and Secretary, respectively, of the Corporation.
9. The General Council and the Executive Committee shall be responsible for the management of the affairs and the accomplishment of the objects of the Corporation.

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